Friday, August 4, 2023 / by Julie Jones
Who to Notify When You Relocate
Knowing whom to notify when you move is essential to a smooth transition. We know, we know, calling up your electric company is probably the last thing on your mind while you’re throwing your life’s belongings in boxes and moving from point A to B. But trust us, if you let those notifications slide, there are consequences!
So, in an effort to help you move with minimum traumas down the road, here’s a checklist of whom to notify when you move—and how to get it done in a jiffy. Make sure to peruse this list at least a week before you move to make sure you don’t miss anyone big!
The post office
You knew this one, but you might not know that you don’t have to schlep to an actual post office anymore. Visit the U.S. Postal Service site to start your official change of address.
The postal service charges a $1 fee to verify your identity when changing your address online, so you’ll need a credit or debit card.
Your employer
Odds are your boss and immediate co-workers know that you’re moving, because you’ve been complaining about it nonstop—but what about your human resources department? Even if your paychecks get deposited directly into your bank account, you still want tax forms, retirement account statements, and other important documents sent to your new address, as these papers may contain personal
information that could be used to steal your identify.